

Avigad.Chapter5 #


Exercise 1 #

Go back to the exercises in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 and redo as many as you can now with tactic proofs, using also rw and simp as appropriate.

Exercises 3.1 #

theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.or_comm' (p : Prop) (q : Prop) :
p q q p
theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.and_assoc (p : Prop) (q : Prop) (r : Prop) :
(p q) r p q r
theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.or_assoc' (p : Prop) (q : Prop) (r : Prop) :
(p q) r p q r
theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.and_or_left (p : Prop) (q : Prop) (r : Prop) :
p (q r) p q p r
theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.or_and_left (p : Prop) (q : Prop) (r : Prop) :
p q r (p q) (p r)
theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.imp_imp_iff_and_imp (p : Prop) (q : Prop) (r : Prop) :
pqr p qr
theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.or_imp (p : Prop) (q : Prop) (r : Prop) :
p qr (pr) (qr)
theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.not_imp_o_and_not (p : Prop) (q : Prop) :
p ¬q¬(pq)
theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.false_elim_self (p : Prop) (q : Prop) :
theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.not_or_imp_imp (p : Prop) (q : Prop) :
¬p qpq
theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.imp_imp_not_imp_not (p : Prop) (q : Prop) :

Exercises 3.2 #

theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.imp_or_mp (p : Prop) (r : Prop) (s : Prop) (hp : p) :
(pr s)(pr) (ps)
theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.not_imp_mp (p : Prop) (q : Prop) :
¬(pq)p ¬q
theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.not_or_of_imp (p : Prop) (q : Prop) :
(pq)¬p q
theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.not_imp_not_imp_imp (p : Prop) (q : Prop) :
theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.imp_imp_imp (p : Prop) (q : Prop) :

Exercises 3.3 #

Exercises 4.1 #

theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.forall_and (α : Type u_1) (p : αProp) (q : αProp) :
(∀ (x : α), p x q x) (∀ (x : α), p x) ∀ (x : α), q x
theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.forall_imp_distrib (α : Type u_1) (p : αProp) (q : αProp) :
(∀ (x : α), p xq x)(∀ (x : α), p x)∀ (x : α), q x
theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.forall_or_distrib (α : Type u_1) (p : αProp) (q : αProp) :
((∀ (x : α), p x) ∀ (x : α), q x)∀ (x : α), p x q x

Exercises 4.2 #

theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.self_imp_forall (α : Type u_1) (r : Prop) :
α(αr r)
theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.forall_or_right (α : Type u_1) (p : αProp) (r : Prop) :
(∀ (x : α), p x r) (∀ (x : α), p x) r
theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.forall_swap (α : Type u_1) (p : αProp) (r : Prop) :
(∀ (x : α), rp x) r∀ (x : α), p x

Exercises 4.3 #

theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.barber_paradox (men : Type u_1) (barber : men) (shaves : menmenProp) (h : ∀ (x : men), shaves barber x ¬shaves x x) :

Exercises 4.5 #

theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.exists_imp (α : Type u_1) (r : Prop) :
(∃ (x : α), r)r
theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.exists_intro (α : Type u_1) (r : Prop) (a : α) :
r∃ (x : α), r
theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.exists_and_right (α : Type u_1) (p : αProp) (r : Prop) :
(∃ (x : α), p x r) (∃ (x : α), p x) r
theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.exists_or (α : Type u_1) (p : αProp) (q : αProp) :
(∃ (x : α), p x q x) (∃ (x : α), p x) ∃ (x : α), q x
theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.forall_iff_not_exists (α : Type u_1) (p : αProp) :
(∀ (x : α), p x) ¬∃ (x : α), ¬p x
theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.exists_iff_not_forall (α : Type u_1) (p : αProp) :
(∃ (x : α), p x) ¬∀ (x : α), ¬p x
theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.not_exists (α : Type u_1) (p : αProp) :
(¬∃ (x : α), p x) ∀ (x : α), ¬p x
theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.forall_negation (α : Type u_1) (p : αProp) :
(¬∀ (x : α), p x) ∃ (x : α), ¬p x
theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.not_forall (α : Type u_1) (p : αProp) :
(¬∀ (x : α), p x) ∃ (x : α), ¬p x
theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.forall_iff_exists_imp (α : Type u_1) (p : αProp) (r : Prop) :
(∀ (x : α), p xr) (∃ (x : α), p x)r
theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.exists_iff_forall_imp (α : Type u_1) (p : αProp) (r : Prop) (a : α) :
(∃ (x : α), p xr) (∀ (x : α), p x)r
theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex1.exists_self_iff_self_exists (α : Type u_1) (p : αProp) (r : Prop) (a : α) :
(∃ (x : α), rp x) r∃ (x : α), p x

Exercise 2 #

Use tactic combinators to obtain a one line proof of the following:

theorem Avigad.Chapter5.ex2.or_and_or_and_or (p : Prop) (q : Prop) (r : Prop) (hp : p) :
(p q r) (q p r) (q r p)