Avigad.Chapter5 #
Exercise 1 #
Go back to the exercises in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 and redo as many as you can
now with tactic proofs, using also rw
and simp
as appropriate.
Exercises 3.1 #
Exercises 3.2 #
Exercises 3.3 #
Exercises 4.1 #
(α : Type u_1)
(p : α → Prop)
(q : α → Prop)
(∀ (x : α), p x → q x) → (∀ (x : α), p x) → ∀ (x : α), q x
Exercises 4.2 #
Exercises 4.3 #
Exercises 4.5 #
Exercise 2 #
Use tactic combinators to obtain a one line proof of the following: