

Common.Real.Floor #

A collection of useful definitions and theorems around the floor function.

The fractional portion of any real number is always in [0, 1).

Hermite's Identity #

Definitions and theorems in support of proving Hermite's identity.

A partition of [0, 1) that looks as follows:

[0, 1/n), [1/n, 2/n), ..., [(n-1)/n, 1)

This is expected to be used as an indexing function of a union of sets, e.g. ⋃ i ∈ Finset.range n, partition n i.

Instances For
    theorem Real.Floor.Hermite.fract_mem_partition (r : ) (hr : r Set.Ico 0 1) (n : ) :
    ∃ j < n, r Set.Ico (j / n) ((j + 1) / n)

    The fractional portion of any real number always exists in some member of the indexed family of sets formed by any partition.

    The indexed union of the family of sets of a partition is a subset of [0, 1).

    [0, 1) is a subset of the indexed union of the family of sets of a partition.

    The indexed union of the family of sets of a partition is equal to [0, 1).

    Hermite's Identity #

    The following decomposes the floor of a multiplication into a sum of floors.