Characteristic zero #
A ring R
is called of characteristic zero if every natural number n
is non-zero when considered
as an element of R
. Since this definition doesn't mention the multiplicative structure of R
except for the existence of 1
in this file characteristic zero is defined for additive monoids
with 1
Main definition #
is the typeclass of an additive monoid with one such that the natural homomorphism
from the natural numbers into it is injective.
- Unify with
(possibly using an out-parameter)
Typeclass for monoids with characteristic zero. (This is usually stated on fields but it makes sense for any additive monoid with 1.)
Warning: for a semiring R
, CharZero R
and CharP R 0
need not coincide.
CharZero R
requires an injectionℕ ↪ R
;CharP R 0
asks that only0 : ℕ
maps to0 : R
under the mapℕ → R
. For instance, endowing{0, 1}
with addition given bymax
is absorbing), shows thatCharZero {0, 1}
does not hold and yetCharP {0, 1} 0
does. This example is formalized inCounterexamples/CharPZeroNeCharZero.lean
- cast_injective : Function.Injective Nat.cast
An additive monoid with one has characteristic zero if the canonical map
ℕ → R
is injective.
- (_ : NeZero (OfNat.ofNat n)) = (_ : NeZero (OfNat.ofNat n))