

Common.Set.Peano #

Data types and theorems used to define Peano systems.

class Peano.System {α : Type u_1} (N : Set α) (S : αα) (e : α) :

A Peano system is a triple ⟨N, S, e⟩ consisting of a set N, a function S : N → N, and a member e ∈ N such that the following three conditions are met:

  1. e ∉ ran S.
  2. S is one-to-one.
  3. Every subset A of N containing e and closed under S is N itself.
    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    def Peano.of_nat {α : Type u_1} {N : Set α} {S : αα} {e : α} [h : Peano.System N S e] :

    The unique (by virtue of the Recursion Theorem for ω) function that maps the natural numbers to an arbitrary Peano system.

    Instances For
      theorem Peano.nat_maps_to :
      ∀ {α : Type u_1} {N : Set α} {S : αα} {e : α} [h : Peano.System N S e], Set.MapsTo Peano.of_nat Set.univ N

      The of_nat function maps all natural numbers to the set N defined in the provided Peano system.

      theorem Peano.nat_isomorphism :
      ∀ {α : Type u_1} {N : Set α} {S : αα} {e : α} [h : Peano.System N S e], let n2p := Peano.of_nat; Set.BijOn n2p Set.univ N (∀ (n : ), n2p (Nat.succ n) = S (n2p n)) n2p 0 = e

      Let ⟨N, S, e⟩ be a Peano system. Then ⟨ω, σ, 0⟩ is isomorphic to ⟨N, S, e⟩, i.e., there is a function h mapping ω one-to-one onto N in a way that preserves the successor operation

      h(σ(n)) = S(h(n))

      and the zero element

      h(0) = e.